Intuitive Counselling
Intuitive Counselling
Discover your Soul Essence
Discover your Soul Essence
Corie has been a smoking cessation counsellor for 4 years and previously worked with Calgary Health Region with high risk, pregnant women and partners who wanted to quit smoking. She is passionate about helping people overcome addictions as she understands how powerful and harmful they can be. She uses a gentle, supportive and empowering way to help understand the cigarette addiction.
Smoking Cessation Counselling
Smoking Cessation Counselling
8 sessions:
8 sessions:
8 weekly sessions (4 in person and 4 phone contact) that practice reducing before quitting.
Check out my links page to download a SMOKING DIARY to help get you started.

Breathe Free- Quit Smoking
Breathe Free- Quit Smoking
Have you tried quitting before? It can take 5-7 quit attempts to actually quit for good, so the more times you have tried the better. Each quit attempt is a SUCCESS! You learn something new about yourself each time you attempt to quit. You learn what triggers you, what works, what doesn’t.
There are 3 types of cigarette needs: Addiction (cravings) Habit (with coffee, talking on phone, etc.) and Aide (emotions, being bored, stressed, lonely, sad,etc.). It is important to understand these when trying to quit. If you don’t learn how to replace these cigarettes with healthier choices, it can be challenging to stay quit.
It is also important to understand why you smoke before you quit. Usually smokers start smoking when they are in their early teens. They can start because of peer pressure or taking cigarettes from their parents. When you are this young, you don’t realize how this decision will impact your health. You start to become addicted to the nicotine but are actually receiving 4000 other chemicals with each cigarette.
If your parents smoked and you saw this growing up, you may have watched your parents deal with life and its stressors by grabbing a cigarette instead of learning how to deal with the stress in a healthier way. This becomes a “normal” way to deal with life.
Many people know that smoking his harmful and smokers carry around a large amount of guilt for smoking. Carrying around guilt in your body causes more stress on your system. You have to want to quit for yourself and your health. When you quit for someone else, it usually does not last. A smoker has an addiction. An addiction that can be harder to break from than cocaine or heroin. Your brain actually calls for the nicotine and the nicotine tricks your nervous system into releasing dopamine (the feel good neurotransmitter). A combined approach of behavioural modifications, weekly support, dealing with your emotions and NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) if needed helps increase the odds of staying quit for good.
It can take up to 21 days to rid yourself of a habit. The 8 week approach that I use is to reduce cigarette intake before quitting. This way you have “slip-ups” before actually quitting. Each week you reduce 1-2 cigarettes while getting support and encouragement, tips and tools for reducing and understanding your addiction. No guilt, shame or blame!
8 week session includes: 4 in person and 4 phone contact
You will be reducing 1-2 cigarettes per week as you are ready.
- Smoking diary (figuring out your smoking patterns).
- Pros/Cons of Smoking.
- Why do I smoke?
- Triggers.
- Stress Management and living a healthy lifestyle.
- Picking a quit date, if ready, and withdrawal symptoms.
- Rewarding yourself and gathering items to replace cigarettes.
- Follow up-Maintenance and Support.
Within these sessions, looking at the emotional connection to smoking is very important. There will be a session on going back to the first time you had a cigarette and what was happening there. This can be a very powerful and healing exercise when you understand what started your smoking and how you were feeling then.
Phone follow up can occur after 8 sessions completed, at client’s request.
If you are interested in more information, please join me in a 1 hour workshop or call 403-471-7568 to book your package. Check out the Workshop page to find out about dates and times.
Scalar Wave Laser:
Scalar Wave Laser:
I have recently brought this laser into my practice. This is a cold laser or low level laser system. It has been designed to rejuvenate cells. Low level lasers are safe and work on a regenerative basis. *They can be used for injuries, pain relief, stress, smoking cessation and more.
For more info: www.QuantumWaveLasers.com
*This information is to be used as a guideline only and does not replace medical advice.